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Rozwój transportu rowerowego w powiązaniu z transportem zbiorowym-MOF Malbork-Sztum

Project Information
Project Title Poprawa dostępności do przystanków transportu zbiorowego poprzez rozbudowę bazy infrastrukturalnej transportu rowerowego stanowiącego dojazd do węzłów i przystanków
Beneficiary Miasto Malbork
Program Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Pomorskiego na lata 2014-2020
EU Funding Source Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
Realization Place MOF Malbork-Sztum
Overall Value 14 577 575,73 zł
EU Funding 12 231 028,04 zł

Project Description

Project description:

Improvement in accessibility to mass public transportation stops and stations by means of an expansion of the infrastructure base of bicycle transport, which provides access to public transport hubs and intermodal stations (IMS).
The project’s objective is an overhaul of the pavements, bicycle paths, pedestrian-and bicycle pathways as well as installment of traffic calming devices along with the construction of bicycle transport infrastructure in the area of the city of Malbork. Malbork Municipality – the Project Partner will build a pedestrian-and bicycle pathway on the route Malbork – Tragamin. Whereas another Project Partnert – The City and Municipality of Nowy Staw, will build a pedestrian-and bicycle pathway on the route Kościeleczki – Tralewo – Nowy Staw.

Education-and-information initiative
As part of the financial instrument of elasticity (cross-financing) an education-and-information initiative has been planned, with the aim of encouraging the residents of the Functional Urban Area (FUA) Malbork-Sztum to leave their cars within the integrated public transport hub and intermodal station and continue on their journey using the available public transport options.
The initiative will be primarily directed at residents of Malbork, Municipality of Malbork and Nowy Staw Municipality, and indirectly also aimed at residents of outlying municipalities.
As part of the campaign the following communication instruments will be used: printed material (leaflets and posters), media coverage (advertisements in the local press and radio), lessons at primary schools and high schools and the University of the Third Age, as well as organizing a Day Without Cars.

The planned activities will contribute towards maximising the effects of the implementation of the project’s infrastructural stage and a more efficient marketing and promotion of mass public transport and non-motorized transport.

Safe residents
The implementation of the enterprize will raise the public safety levels due to the use of traffic calming devices, including raised speed tables, raised intersections with the „right hand” rule, raised pedestrian crossings. The use of the above devices will lead to speed restriction of motor vehicles, thus limiting the number of traffic accidents and creating safer conditions for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Creating traffic calming zones will foster ordering and adapting the existing methods of local traffic service provision to their fundamental utilitarian, cultural and ecological function and character.

Efficient and effective public transport
Fostering the creation of suitable conditions for bicycle transport in conjunction with mass public transportation, as well as aiming to change the preferences of commuters, who up until the present have been more likely to use the motor vehicle as their primary means of transport. The Bike&Ride i Park&Ride infrastructure is a natural complementary element to the integrated intermodal public transport hub, on the one hand encouraging drivers – residents of surrounding communities and villages to make use of the public transport, and on the other hand, thanks to the adequate bicycle parking, widening the impact range of the public municipal and rail transport, thus increasing the numbers of those who would be willing to eliminate their private vehicle use altogether.