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Comprehensive energy-related modernization of residential and utility buildings located within the City of Gdańsk between 2017 and 2020

Project Information
Project Title Comprehensive energy-related modernization of residential and utility buildings located within the City of Gdańsk between 2017 and 2020
Beneficiary Gmina Miasta Gdańska
Program Regional Operational Programme of the Pomorskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020
EU Funding Source European Regional Development Fund
Realization Place Municipality of Lębork
Overall Value 38 116 026,94 zł
EU Funding 20 436 579,71 zł

Project Description

The undertaking consists in a comprehensive energy-related modernization of residential and public utility buildings being the property of the City of Gdańsk. The aim of the conducted activities is to improve the energy efficiency of selected facilities through the implementation of thermomodernization tasks, resulting from the recommendations of energy audits.

The project will include tasks such as insulation of walls, ceilings and roofs, replacement of external window and door joinery, installation of heating system and hot water system, liquidation of existing heat sources, installation of a compact heat distribution node. Project implementation period: 3 July 2017 – 31 December 2021.

The thermomodernization will be carried out in the following facilities in Gdańsk:


  1. ul. Dolna 3,
  2. ul. Dolna 10A,
  3. ul. Łąkowa 13,
  4. ul. Łąkowa 14,
  5. ul. Łąkowa 18,
  6. ul. Łąkowa 20,
  7. ul. Łąkowa 28,
  8. ul. Toruńska 25,
  9. ul. Toruńska 27,
  10.  ul. Ułańska 11,
  11.  ul. Wróbla 13/14,
  12.  ul. Wróbla 15,
  13.  ul. Pniewskiego 1,
  14.  ul. Jaśkowa Dolina 7,
  15.  ul. Wielki Młyn ul. Wielkie Młyny 16,
  16.  ul. Grunwaldzka 5,
  17.  Historical Museum of the City of Gdańsk – Artus Court,
  18.  church building at 55 Rogaczewskiego Street.

In 2020 the project was extended by nine more buildings not included in the original scope of the project:

  1. ul. Gdańska 32,
  2. ul. Gościnna 17,
  3. ul. Wilków Morskich 13-14-15-16,
  4. ul. Wyzwolenia 48,
  5. ul. Pelplińska 3,
  6. ul. Partyzantów 74,
  7. ul. Strajku Dokerów 31,
  8. ul. Łowicka 11,
  9. ul. Traugutta 45.

The works carried out within each facility are intended to ensure its comprehensive thermal modernization and to contribute as much as possible to reducing energy consumption and thus to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The modernized buildings will be equipped with solutions tested in similar facilities and meeting all the requirements arising from applicable European and Polish standards and regulations on safety and environmental protection. The technologies, materials and equipment used will ensure durability of products and safety of use.