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Project Information
Project Title Poprawa jakości i dostępności w diagnostyce i terapii chorób cywilizacyjnych poprzez rozbudowę Szpitala Specjalistycznego im. F. Ceynowy w Wejherowie
Beneficiary Szpitale Pomorskie Sp. z o.o
Program Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Pomorskiego na lata 2014-2020
EU Funding Source Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
Realization Place Wejherowo
Overall Value 104 690 837,19 zł
EU Funding 58 368 808,14 zł

Project Description

Construction of the operating theatre at the Wejherowo Hospital

Within the framework of the project entitled „Improvement of quality and accessibility in the diagnostics and therapy of civilisation diseases through the expansion of the F. Ceynowy Specialist Hospital in Wejherowo”, the Wejherowo Hospital will be extended by a new building including:

  • Operating Theatre with seven operating rooms
  • Department of Cardiac Surgery
  • Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Strokes Department
  • Endoscopy Department
  • Department of Pathology and Dissection
  • Central Sterilisation Plant
  • conference rooms


Between the new Hospital building and the existing one there will be a connector to ensure effective communication with the majority of bed wards and the emergency department.

In addition, the existing building will be equipped with two lifts to transport patients, as the capacity of the existing elevators is insufficient to ensure effective communication.


Who’s financing?

Investment value: PLN 104,690,837.19

including EU funding from the Regional Operational Programme for the Pomeranian Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020 in the amount of PLN 58,368,808.14

and state budget funds in the amount of PLN 7,782,507.75



Planned: start of the investment from 01.01.2019, completion of the investment by 31.12.2021


For whom?

Thanks to the implementation of the project, the quality of health services will be improved for the areas of Pomeranian Voivodeship, including mainly the following Poviats:

  • Wejherowo
  • Lębork
  • Puck

and tourists visiting the Pomeranian Voivodeship.


  • there is a high incidence of cardiovascular, osteoarticular and urogenital diseases
  • the number of inhabitants and tourists of the area covered by the project is increasing
  • a high incidence of diabetes is observed, which results in the occurrence of complications
  • there is an increase in the number of traffic accidents
  • the number of injuries caused by an ageing population is increasing
  • the number of injuries caused by the increase in tourist traffic during the holiday season is increasing


Due to the outdated infrastructure, the Hospital is not able to provide adequate quality of services in the field of treatment of civilisation diseases. Insufficient modern medical facilities and apparatus makes it impossible to increase the effectiveness of invasive (surgical) treatment.


The benefits that result from the investment include:

  • ensuring greater comprehensiveness of the Hospital’s range of services for residents and tourists
  • shortening the waiting times for specialist medical service
  • improvement of the quality of provided medical services


Within the framework of the project, the newly constructed building will be equipped with modern medical equipment and apparatus:

  1. Highly specialized equipment for the operating theatre, including for endoscopic procedures.
  2. Medical equipment improving the quality of hospitalisation services provided to patients in the Cardiac Surgery, Cardiac Rehabilitation and Stroke Departments.
  3. Modern equipment for the areas supporting the operation of the Operating Theatre and all areas of the hospital (Central Sterilisation Plant and Pathology Department).
  4. Conference room with a multimedia system allowing to conduct training courses at a high, world-class level.